Caterina & Giovanni

July 12, 2025 • Sovicille, SI, Italia
119 Days To Go!

Caterina & Giovanni

July 12, 2025 • Sovicille, SI, Italia
119 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our story

How did this happen? You might ask. Everything started on a very warm summer day in Milan; Saturday, the 16th of June. She was pouting and quite angry as she wasn't supposed to be at the University that day, while he was annoyed by her presence partialy due to a very bad hangover. In this story, as in their life together, she was the teacher and he was the student. Even under these conditions after being tied by the hips toghether for six hours they realised that they were both secretly in love.

Tutto ebbe inizio un sabato, precisamente il 16 di giugno, in una calda giornata estiva a Milano. Lei era imbronciata e piuttosto arrabbiata perché quel giorno non avrebbe dovuto essere lì all'Università, mentre lui era infastidito dalla sua presenza e piuttosto sottosopra perché si era ubriacato la sera prima. In questa storia (come nella loro vita insieme) lei era l'insegnante e lui lo studente. Quindi, nonostante le premesse, dopo aver trascorso insieme 6 ore gomito a gomito, capirono di essersi segretamente innamorati.